Non surgical procedure

Our skin is the largest organ we have but is so often overlooked when it comes to healthcare. Every day, our skin is exposed to toxins produced by the industrial world we live in, sunlight, wind, rain and the contact with objects we handle. All these things cause our skin to looked aged, maybe beyond our years. making use of some of the products and treatments available can hep us slow down the signs of ageing. The use of proper skincare products made by people that understand how skin works can have a positive effect on our looks and give your skin the TLC it needs to keep in top condition.

Here are our offers to help you keep healthy, younger looking skin.

Dermal fillers are commonly used to wrinkles and folds by plumping up the skin underneath them. Fillers can also be used to restore volume lost from the face as we age or lose weight, most commonly through the cheeks, temples, lips, nasolabial folds, jowls and jaw line; or to harmonise the face by enhancing lips, chin, nose, brows and cheeks. The fillers we use are made from a natural substance called hyaluronan, which has a long safety history and can be reversed if needed. Results are seen immediately and vary in duration depending on the type of product used and the location. Products used for finer lines and lips usually last around 3-6 months, while products used for volume replacement and enhancement can last on average about 8-18 months.

The typical areas of Dermal Filler treatment include:

  • nasolabial folds (Dermal Fillers are great for lines or folds from the sides of the nose to the end of the lips)
  • perioral area (wrinkles around the lips)
  • lip enhancement
  • hollows under the eyes
  • softening early jowls
  • chin
  • nose bridge and tip
  • marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the jawline, accentuating the downturn of the mouth).

Other treatments include using dermal fillers for acne scars, filling and lifting the mid face & cheek-enhancement.

Find out more about Dermal Fillers


Dermal Fillers

July to August promotion

1 x Syringe of Teosyal (1ml)          $   800.00

2 x Syringes of Teosyal (2ml)        $1 500.00

3 x Syringes of Teosyal (3ml)        $2 000.00

This promotion is only valid in Auckland with Summer Wang from the months of  July and August 2017.

TEOSYAL dermal fillers