September Newsletter 2017

View The Newsletter If you missed the copy of the newsletter which included special offers. This month’s focus points and special offers include: Otoplasty surgical procedure offer for September/October. Xeomin Anti-wrinkle Injections  Anti-wrinkle injections to...

June Newsletter 2017

View The Newsletter If you missed the copy of the newsletter which included special offers. Dual Procedure Combo: Eyelid (Blepharoplasty) – an easy, quick way to get rid of tired looking eyes. Brow lift or forehead lift – compliments the eyelid treatment...

Dermal Fillers

Our skin is the largest organ we have but is so often overlooked when it comes to healthcare. Every day, our skin is exposed to toxins produced by the industrial world we live in, sunlight, wind, rain and the contact with objects we handle. All these things cause our...

May Inner Health Article

 How to improve the health of your blood It will come as no surprise that the healthier the blood is, the better the result of PRP will be. Having good blood is a matter of keeping it clean! Blood is purified primarily by your kidneys and liver, therefore ensuring...

May Skincare Offers

In the month of May, we are offering some great deals for anyone interested in skincare and wellbeing. Please read and visit the relevant pages on the website for more information.   Product of the month Our Skincare Product for the month of May is the Aspect...

May Newsletter Focus PRP

This Months Non-surgical Procedure is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)     PRP stands for ‘Platelet Rich Plasma’ and it helps to improve your skin’s texture, thickness and luminosity. Platelet Rich Plasma uses the healing properties of your own platelets...